Tuesday, September 4, 2007

September Facts


-has nine letters.

-is the ninth month.

-Labor Day is always the first Monday of September.

-Grandparents Day is always the first Sunday after Labor Day.

-11th is now called Patriots Day in memory of the ones we lost and those who have fought because of the terrorist attacks.

-23rd is the first day of autumn. The leaves start their yearly fall color change from greens to reds, golds and rusts.

-birthstone is Sapphire. Usually blue sapphire though it is available in pink, yellow, green, and lilac. A nice alternative birthstone for September is the lapis lazuli, a beautiful opaque blue stone usually styled into a cabochon.

-1, 1939 is the start of World War II and September 2, 1945 is the official end of the war.

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