Friday, July 27, 2007

Buffet Food Made Fancy

My husband is consistant (read set in his ways) about foods he likes so the local buffet is perfect for him when we eat out. I on the other hand like variety so I've come up with a few tricks that make buffet dining more of an adventure for me.

I do give credit to the Food Network for their creative motivation in my food education.

Tonight for example.
I never would have thought of putting baked salmon on a bed of fresh, uncooked spinach from the salad section without the Food Network. Knowing from watching Food Network and other cooking shows/channels that spinach only needs to wilt to be considered "cooked", I knew the heat from the fish would be enough to accomplish that.

So, on a bed of bright green spinach I layed a nice piece of salmon and on top of that I add a dollop of tartar sauce and then a dollop of cocktail sauce on that and lightly mixed the two. At the table I squeezed some lemon over all and dug in with some of everything on every forkful.
The flavor was very fresh and satisfying and the presentation was pretty to look at and I felt proud of my "invention".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a neat idea!!I think Elle needs her own food network show :-)